Privacy Policy Overview

Our privacy policy ensures your data remains anonymous while we collect only non-identifiable analytical information. This data helps us improve our app without compromising your privacy. You control your information, and we are committed to transparency and security.

Detailed Privacy Policy Sections


This Privacy Policy outlines the types of data we collect through our app, how it is used, and the measures we take to protect your privacy. Our priority is to respect your privacy by collecting only non-personal, analytical data that helps us enhance your user experience while maintaining your anonymity.

Data Collection

We collect limited, non-identifiable analytical data that does not trace back to any individual user. The purpose of collecting this data is purely to understand app usage patterns and improve app performance. Types of data collected include, but are not limited to, device type, operating system version, app usage duration, and interaction with app features. No personal information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses, is collected.

Use of Collected Data

The analytical data we collect is exclusively used to analyze app performance and user engagement. This analysis helps us identify areas for improvement, enhance user experience, and develop new features that meet our users' needs. All analyses are conducted on aggregated data sets, ensuring individuals remain completely anonymous.

We use TelemetryDeck to collect anonymized usage data. This helps us understand how our users are using our app and how we can improve it. TelemetryDeck does not collect any personally identifiable information. You can read more about TelemetryDeck’s privacy policy at

Data Sharing and Disclosure

We are committed to not sharing, selling, renting, or disclosing any collected data to third parties for marketing or advertising purposes. Data may only be shared with third-party service providers to the extent necessary for analyzing the collected data, under strict confidentiality agreements. These providers are prohibited from using the data for any other purposes.

User Control and Rights

As our app collects only non-identifiable data, there are minimal concerns regarding personal data rights. However, should any user have concerns about their data or wish to understand more about the data collected, we are fully transparent and available to address any inquiries. Users can contact us through the provided contact information within this policy.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our data practices or relevant laws. We will notify users of any significant changes through the app or via email. Continued use of the app after any changes indicates acceptance of the new terms.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, our data practices, or your interactions with the app, please contact us at [email protected].